PostgreSQL Upgrade Using Pg_dumpall
The question you are referencing is a bit of a mess, I think you would be better off not referring to it at all. It just introduces misconceptions to.... In this recipe, we are going to upgrade the PostgreSQL cluster from version 9.5 to 9.6. We will utilize the pg_dump utility for this purpose.. Migrate your PostgreSQL database using dump and restore ... You can use pg_dump to extract a PostgreSQL database into a dump file and.... If the dump is taken using a plain-text format, pg_dump generates a script file of multiple SQL commands. It can be restored using psql. A custom.... Logical dumps use pg_dumpall or pg_dump / pg_restore tools, that basically reverse engineer the database state to normal SQL.... This tutorial shows you how to use PostgreSQL backup tools including pg_dump and pg_dumpall to backup databases in PostgreSQL.. Migrate data using pg_dumpall. Make sure that the old server is running. Create a compressed SQL dump of your server (this could take some time): pg_dumpall --quote-all-identifiers | gzip >postgresapp.sql.gz. Stop the old server, then start the new server. Now restore the SQL dump: gunzip 640313382f
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